Brock Boleman

Brock is the Executive Director of Mission: Hope. He is responsible for driving the organizational mission forward, overseeing global strategy, and inspiring supporting partners. He is passionate about equipping and investing in global leaders who are striving to make a difference in the most difficult places around the world, and he feels fortunate to be able to live this out every day with Mission: Hope.

Brock was initially hired as the Indonesia Country Director in 2016 and later served as the Global Programs Director for over five years prior to his current role. He has experience in this field as both a researcher and practitioner. He holds an M.S. in Agricultural and Applied Economics from the University of Georgia and an MBA from Emory University with a concentration in finance and strategy. Previously, Brock served with World Relief Indonesia as a livelihood specialist in Papua.

When not working, you can find Brock hiking with friends and traveling with his wife and son.