Roger Drost

Roger Drost worked as an educator and directed educational programs for over 35 years and taught English as a Second Language to students from more than 40 different countries in all types of settings including public school, community programs and college. He also taught in a college of education in Asia in the mid-eighties and lived there with his wife and two children.

Roger is MH’s Nicaragua Program Officer and has been working in remote jungle communities in Nicaragua for over 20 years, leading volunteer teams and implementing diverse community development projects. During his first trip as a volunteer to Nicaragua’s Atlantic coast in 1998, he fell in love with the resilient and hard-working people in this impoverished region and returned every year, leading volunteer teams. In 2011, after retiring from full-time teaching, he devoted his time to developing projects and programs among the poorest of the poor in Nicaragua.

Roger and his wife, Debbie, have two sons and 6 grandchildren and live in North Carolina. He enjoys kayaking, CrossFit and reading in Spanish.